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Image by Mariah Hewines


It can be deeply uncomfortable knowing something has to change, but you have no idea where to start.  I meet people where ever they are at and I walk with them to discover and uncover the change desired.

Together we explore: 

  • where you want to go, create a map and a plan

  • why you want to go, what's driving you

  • how you want to go, what support your might need

  • what you need to pack (skills, knowledge, tools, and resources)

  • what you need to leave behind (let go of the heavy stuff, past beliefs or anything that you simply don't need)

  • practical steps you can take and pacing the journey

  • your own innate, natural wisdom and power 

Image by Agnieszka Boeske

Reimagine your Path Program

Feel ready for a big life change, a different path calling you? Maybe it's a career change, new course, relationship, relocation or a big life transition to startup your own business?

This mentoring program helps guide through barriers, beliefs, patterns and blocks holding you back - allow yourself to reimagine and move onto a new path!

Image by Cody Board

Leadership, Strategy and Organisational Mentoring

Working with individuals, teams and entrepreneurs to build capacity, plan, strategy, understand blind spots and reignite passion for big picture thinking with measurable steps and outcomes.

Image by Yannic Läderach

Regenerative Health Mentoring

Support to understand your health challenges, reconnect with your body and work collaboratively with existing practitioners to navigate choices to bring about better health outcomes

Image by Daniel Gonzalez

Brainstorming Sessions

We all feel stuck at times, a million thoughts or ideas but overwhelmed where to start. Brainstorming sessions are a creative, fun and engaging space to put it all on the table, organise and take steps into tangible actions.

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